Film Ministry at St.Timothy's
(from the December 2007 Church Newsletter)Introduction
Beginning early in the New Year of 2008, St Timothy’s will have a library of films in DVD format for parishioners to borrow for a one-week period. Fewer and fewer films are available in video format, but if they can found this format will also be added to the collection. The collection will be displayed each Sunday, where space is available, either at the rear or the side of our present space at Lynn Valley Recreation Centre.
Why a Film Ministry?
Films can provide us with an opportunity to experience life in all of its variety, creativity and beauty. They can enable us to encounter the world through the perspectives of others and respectfully, compassionately consider what others see, hear, think and experience. Just as Jesus was involved with popular culture by attending parties, listening to the stories of others and telling good stories himself, we too can gain insight in to today’s culture by watching films. “Good films invite us into someone’s creative expression so that we can think it over and discuss it. A good movie reflects the world we live in, so that we understand it better. A good movie is truthful – whether the subject is something beautiful or something terrible.” As a Christian watching a film we will be encouraged to look for theological themes of redemption, salvation, healing, faith, prayer, justice, grace, creation, sin, searching, evil, human nature and suffering.
Choosing films for the collection
All films will be chosen with an attitude of discernment and conscience and will have final approval from our Rector. The collection will include a variety of films suitable for children, teenagers, adults and family viewing. The collection will include films which will provoke discussion and thought about our world and will not necessarily only include films which one might call, “Christian films”. There are many films which, for whatever reason, have gone almost undetected and are excellent films to watch and also are not easily available at rental outlets, at the library or on television.
Information accompanying each film
Attached to the film will be a description of the rating. For example, whether the film is suitable for children or, if it is only suitable for adult viewing. There will be a brief summary of the film and each film will have with it 2 or 3 questions suitable for “pre and post film” discussion.
I look forward to beginning this Ministry in the New Year and encouraging you to borrow a film and to invite your friends over to watch it with you.
P. Y.(From the March 2008 Newsletter)
Film Ministry:
P. Y. reports:
St Timothy’s now has a film library! Every Sunday after church, is a chance to look through this small, but growing collection of films and find one that interests you. Each film includes a film summary and the film rating. There is also a collection of questions, which you can use to help you to further insight into the film. I encourage you to borrow a film, invite some friends over and have a movie night!
Amazing Grace
The Girl in the Café
Lilies of the Field
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Hotel Rwanda
Babette’s Feast
Pay it Forward
Soon to come:
The Hoosiers; The Mission; In the Name of the Father; Crossroads (St. John’s Shaughnessy).
(Please tell Patricia if you have any suggestions!)
(from the June 2008 Newsletter)
Film Ministry
K.B. and P.Y. report:
God is the creator of all things and so his fingerprints are on all things to which we lay our hands. Themes such as temptation and sin, death and new life, love and joy, grace and forgiveness, salvation and redemption, are universal truths which permeate the world around us. And so it is not surprising then to find these themes infused in poetry, literature, art and film. It is through such themes that people can come to know something of the heart and mind of God for he is their author.
The purpose of St. Timothy's Film Ministry is to help people engage with God in these themes through the medium of film. Even though the story of Jesus Christ and his people may not even be in he mind of the director, writer or producer they cannot help but tell these stories. We wish to make use of popular, wide release (Hollywood) films o help people encounter these ideas and truths in an unexpected way, but also in a way which is safe and accessible.
It is for this reason (and due to the lack of storage space) that we are being very selective of the films we are including. We want wide release films, but also ones that are not obvious to people that they include biblical themes (ie. we are not including films like "The Passion" because no one will be surprised that is contains biblical themes). This is why at this time we are not receiving donations of films, but we would be glad to receive suggestions of films that people have been surprised by.
Once we purchase a film, we watch it and include a study guide to help people see the themes, explore them and begin to ask questions as they make connections with Christ.
We hope you all enjoy, appreciate and take advantage of this new ministry opportunity and that you invite others to join with you.