Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Bible Series DVD's

(from the December 2008 newsletter)

The Church Library has added a small collection of DVD films, "The Bible Series". It consists of four films:

The Creation and the Flood: The story begins with the creation of Man and Woman, the sin committed by Adam and Eve, and the temptation by the snake, which led to their banishment from Paradise. The story continues with the first crime committed by mankind, Cain's murder of his brother, the condemnation of God, mankind's corruption and evil, and God's regret for having created earth. The choice f Noah, a just and upright man, to build the Ark, the flood and its clearing the way for a new mankind, the pact of the eternal Covenant between God and all living beings, are told through the clear and simple words of an old nomad shepherd.

ESTHER: Following the conquest of Babylon, the King of Persia gives a banquet for his people at which he requests the presence of his wife, Vashti. As she refuses the King's demand, Ahasuerus disowns Vashti and goes in search of her replacement. In his harem, he meets the young girl Esther who immediately captivates him with her charm and beauty. Unaware of her Jewish heritage, King Ahasuerus falls in love with Esther. Esther then reveals to Ahasuerus that she is Jewish and asks him to show her people mercy, because of a planned genocide of the Jews by the King's right-hand man, Haman. In doing so, she saves the lives of may innocent people and paves the way for their return to Jerusalem.

JEREMIAH: Jeremiah tells the story of the prophet who abandons his family and the woman he loves, in order to relay God's message in Jerusalem. Although he is persecuted and branded as a traitor for warning others of the destruction of the Holy City, he continues fearlessly with his mission. When his prophecy is fulfilled, he experiences first- hand Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians.

SOLOMON: Defeating his older brother, Solomon is crowned King of Israel and rules the land with love, peace and respect. While visiting the city, Solomon meets the beautiful Queen of Sheba and falls in love at first sight. When the time comes for her to return to her homeland, Solomon is unable to convince her to stay. Bereft of her beauty and companionship, he falls into a deep depression, departing from his once idyllic world of peace and luxury while his kingdom threatens to collapse.

The fifth film in the library's new Biblical Films collection,
JESUS - The Greatest Story of All Time (2004), was originally produced as a television mini-series for CBS -- which not only retells the biblical story, but takes a look at the more human side of Jesus. While the movie does stray from strict scripture--Jesus is shown feeling conflicted over his feelings for Lazarus's sister Mary; Satan works hard at convincing Jesus to stray from his path--most of the plot will be familiar to viewers. The life and times of Jesus of Nazareth, from His humble beginnings as a carpenter to His destiny as the son of God, are vividly retold in this epic movie event.

The biblically-based films and videos added to the Church Library complements the existing Church Film Ministry. More will be added over time for our church members to enjoy.

-- submitted by MC

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