Friday, September 23, 2011

Film Ministry News

from the Fall 2011 newsletter

The Film Ministry at St Timothy’s continues to be well utilized. Films are usually available each Sunday after the service. Many are borrowed each Sunday and as new ones are added more interest is generated. Each year I hope to add at least new 10 new films. Films for the ministry are chosen using the following criteria:

  • Connection or disconnection with the Gospel
  • Engaging with others, to communicate God’s love and hope in non-threatening ways
  • Remembering always that God has been and will continue to be there in the culture and in the people with whom we engage, working in the most surprising ways to transform his good yet tarnished creation

I have recently placed an order for a PBS Documentary titled: “The Better Hour: The Legacy of William Wilberforce”. The Better Hour is the story of Wilberforce who, inspired by faith, used his political and social influence to change the world for the better. At the beginning of the 19th century, almost a third of the British economy depended on the trade of human beings. William Wilberforce was determined to end this horrific practice, by persuading both Parliament and British society to abolish slavery in the British Empire.


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